Published by the Société Internationale Leon Battista Alberti under the patronage of the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici and boasting a prestigious, international committee of editors and readers, Albertiana is the child of original dialogue between different disciplines, national perspectives and historical approaches, and intends to provide a forum for those using the knowledge of antiquity as a foundation for reflexion on the present. Centred on Alberti, but not exclusively Albertian, the periodical is sent free to members of the S.I.L.B.A. and is available on subscription to institutions and private individuals. 


The publication of a new periodical is traditionally the opportunity for a short presentation or explanation of the principal subjects, methods and aims implied (often enigmatically) in the title. A few words will suffice to introduce Albertiana.
With reference to the title first, it will — we believe — come as no surprise that a periodical, with such an explicit titular reference to the personality and multi-faceted work of one of the greatest and original minds of the European Renaissance, centres on Leon Battista Alberti. And given such a title, it will be unexceptional to find, on the one hand, recognition of Alberti as a central figure and as unparalleled in the intellectual and artistic output of the 15th century and, on the other, a conscious attempt to create the first tool for the promotion and publication of research, edited texts, and studies and discussions of the specific themes, fields, and figures directly linked to the great humanist and architect.
As regards the subjects, methods and aims, Albertiana intends to be a scholarly tool providing a non-partisan, multi-disciplinary forum promoting dialogue between different national traditions and cultures, between different yet complementary disciplines. Only having achieved this will it be possible to get close to a complete understanding of humanist culture and its homogenous but non-uniform expressions. Thus, as well as a tool, Albertiana aims at being a meeting place for free, uncensored dialogue, of which the only selection criteria will be the worth of the individual contributions as established by a Committee of Readers whose only brief is to have as open a mind as possible.
Exacting but tolerant, the Albertian household gods could not formulate any logical argument for exclusion or (even worse) squatting: the periodical aims at freedom of theme and method, is not strictly reserved to the works of Alberti and his (to a greater or lesser extent) direct influence on subsequent work, and is not excluded to those who humanistically use history and knowledge of antiquity as the foundation for reflections on, or questions about, the present.

Editorial guidelines for authors contributing to « Albertiana »


Albertiana I

Albertiana II

Albertiana III

Albertiana IV

Albertiana V

Albertiana VI

Albertiana VII

Albertiana VIII

Albertiana IX

Albertiana X

Albertiana I - X Indices

Albertiana XI - XII